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Thursday, 1 September 2011

Wholefoods Market - Store with a heart


@wholefoods - twitter

I was introduced to the delights of Whole Foods Market whilst I was in New York a few years ago. The principal is a supermarket where all foods are in the whole natural, organic and great quality. For me this was kid in a candy shop time. I love fresh healthy food and to have a whole store dedicated to it was amazing. It doesn't have the feel of a normal health shop, you know tiny, everything in packets, odd foreign labels. This store has mass abundance of fresh bread, gorgeous coloured vegetables, fresh deli, local produce, etc, etc.

I loved the store so much I made a special visit to London to go to the Kensington store there. I realise not everyone may have the fresh food obsession I do but I think the store is a great quality supermarket and although obviously this means not as cheap as the generic Tesco but pop in if you are in the areas. Unfortunately the UK stores are all southern at the moment boo! But I hope they bring some stores up North. Ok I said something similar about Krispy Kreme but that food is medicine for the soul!.

The website is great to vew too, healthy recipes and general good food information. I firmly beleive that your body deserves to be nourished with the best ingredients you can afford. Rant over :)

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