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Monday, 12 September 2011

How to be a Woman

I have just finished reading this Caitlin Moran book and I feel the need to share. I am a book lover fact! I have not been able to pick up a book in the last year for numerous reasons. Mainly this sense of wanting to occupy my time in other ways, but boy have I missed reading!

After a little "come on" talk with myself I ordered some books that took my fancy off the fab Amazon. (Do my browsing in Waterstones shops then buy cheap off Internet :)). This was my first book I have finished in the past year or two and it has made me realise what I have been missing.

It isn't a novel, more a tale of Caitlin's life and views. She is a feminist, a mother and someone very similar to all of us. Love it. I especially enjoyed her frank views on motherhood and no having kids. I laughed out loud several times. How often does that happen reading nowadays! Very honest, humorous and quality writing. I'm hooked. Bring on the next book.

Caitlin is on twitter, recommend a follow. @

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