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Thursday, 11 August 2011

A Model Recommends - Great advice

Website / Twitter / YouTube

twitter - @modelrecommends

Ok she really is a model...and she recommends....
Have followed on twitter for a while now and watch her YouTube posts from time to time. I'm a woman who's a sucker for a recommendation, love those top ten beauty products postings you get. However the reason I love her is that she regularly uses all her products and is in the industry so knows what people use and whats hot. Ruth mainly talks about beauty products (my weak point) but also has make up tutorials, clothing and the odd other "she loves" things.

Every post is from a point of view of this is something I love, try it, rather than a why not buy this I'm getting paid commission standpoint. If you're on twitter recommend this is the best way to follow, then you can dip in and out of the website and Youtube on items that spark your interest.

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