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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Aqua Sana - Twilight Spa


Those of us who love our spa's may already be aware of Aqua Sana. Its the Spa in, (bear with me on this one) Centre Parcs. I know the image that springs to mind is kids in swimming cossies tearing round on their bikes. Well let me tell you you're wrong.

Ok Centre Parcs is a family destination, but I had the fortune to go to Aqua Sana whilst on holiday there one year and I was bowled away with the Spa facilities. In Sherwood Forest at least there were 15, let me type it again, 15 sensory experiences, so steam rooms, saunas, warm rooms where you lay on warm things, dead hot rooms, you get my drift. I paid for the twilight experience which meant you had access to all facilities in the evening which includes an amazingly warm swimming pool which goes outside, and an outside balcony where you can relax in warm snugly blankets. After two hours I was so relaxed I felt like a dead weight. I have been back several times since as you can visit the Spa without staying on site.

There is an offer at the moment for two for the Twilight Spa for £59 which I think is amazing value, link above. Treatments are, of course, extra and normally bump up the prices significantly but the Twilight Spa option alone was enough for me, if you like Spa experiences do it.

And relax........

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